Showcases index by category of use cases and keywords
Index by category of use cases
The use of DRAW-SVG editor functions are illustrated by 132 showcases which are classified into 15 use cases categories.
Quick start
Use case category 'Quick start' with 7 showcases.
See showcases details (document, description, steps).
Quick start drawing SVG elements
Quick start | Play all Quick start showcases continuously |
Drawing all types of arcs (circles, cubics, quadratics) | |
Drawing all types of images (URL, encoded, map, SVG) | |
Drawing all types of lines (oblique, vertical, horizontal, polylines) | |
Drawing all types of paths (free, composite, hole, curves, smooth surfaces) | |
Drawing all types of shapes (arrows, flow charts, symbols, emojis, font Awesome icons) | |
Drawing all types of surfaces (rectangles, circles, ellipses, triangles, polygons) | |
Drawing all types of texts (simple, multi lines, paths, styled) |
Draw elements
Use case category 'Draw elements' with 20 showcases.
See showcases details (document, description, steps).
Review of elements drawing tasks and options
Draw elements | Play all Draw elements showcases continuously |
Drawing circle, cubic and quadratic arcs | |
Drawing with point capture to connect elements | |
Choosing and drawing emoji icons | |
Choosing and drawing FontAwesome icons | |
Drawing free paths smoothed or not | |
Drawing horizontal, vertical and oblique lines | |
Drawing paths with horizontal and vertical lines | |
Drawing images | |
Drawing lines | |
Insert and edit a Google Map in your SVG drawing | |
Drawing paths with curves | |
Drawing paths with holes | |
Drawing polylines | |
Drawing rectangles | |
Drawing multiple objects with the same task in repeating mode | |
Drawing cataloged shapes and icons | |
Restart last drawing actions with the shortcut icons | |
Drawing cataloged symbols | |
Drawing triangles | |
Draw elements with grid snapping |
Draw texts
Use case category 'Draw texts' with 4 showcases.
See showcases details (document, description, steps).
Review of texts drawing tasks
Draw texts | Play all Draw texts showcases continuously |
Drawing text with multi lines | |
Drawing a multilingual text with language selector The text is displayed with its defined value for the navigator language | |
Create single-line text, edit style properties, and adjust length | |
Drawing texts on paths |
Manage documents
Use case category 'Manage documents' with 9 showcases.
See showcases details (document, description, steps).
Managing SVG documents, loading and saving
Manage documents | Play all Manage documents showcases continuously |
Open SVG documents with different sources | |
Load SVG documents from collection | |
Save SVG documents | |
Loading the svg/xml code of a new document | |
Getting the svg/xml code of the document | |
Insert a SVG inside the document with different sources | |
Setting the document dimensions, coordinates and window | |
Export a SVG document in PNG format | |
Printing a document |
Select elements
Use case category 'Select elements' with 5 showcases.
See showcases details (document, description, steps).
All selecting tasks and options
Select elements | Play all Select elements showcases continuously |
Using target highlighter to easy select objects | |
Selecting all elements of the svg document | |
Select elements by : - one click, cumulative with CTRL key - one rectangle to select elements inside it, cumulative with CTRL key - IDS with the drawn element list from selection menu | |
Selecting and editing a multi-line text | |
Select mutiple elements by : - add and remove with CTRL key - one rectangle to select elements inside it - IDS with the drawn element list from selection menu |
Style elements
Use case category 'Style elements' with 8 showcases.
See showcases details (document, description, steps).
Review of actions for creating and applying styles to elements
Style elements | Play all Style elements showcases continuously |
Shows how to apply a style property to multiple objects in a single action | |
Shows how to copy the style of an object to others objects | |
Create and apply CSS classes | |
Using the color chooser | |
Using filters (spotlight, relief, drop shadow, wrap) | |
Apply and customize gradients | |
Apply and customize markers | |
Apply and customize patterns |
Edit elements
Use case category 'Edit elements' with 8 showcases.
See showcases details (document, description, steps).
Review of editing actions on elements
Edit elements | Play all Edit elements showcases continuously |
Shows how to center document contents | |
Shows how to copy elements | |
Group elements - ungroup them - sharing style on the group - transforming the group - browsing its contents | |
Create, copy, select and remove hyperlinks | |
Remove selected elements | |
Using the selection floating menu: - running actions - moving the menu - stop editing | |
Undoing and redoing actions | |
Changing view (zoom and scroll) |
Edit texts
Use case category 'Edit texts' with 5 showcases.
See showcases details (document, description, steps).
Review of text editing actions
Edit texts | Play all Edit texts showcases continuously |
Styling a text, change font properties | |
Setting a text as unselectable | |
Adjust text length | |
Setting the bounding box of a text by forcing line breaks • existing line breaks are retained • moving words are grayed out • arrow keys can be used to control the box | |
Using the text editor to format multi-lines text |
Edit geometries
Use case category 'Edit geometries' with 15 showcases.
See showcases details (document, description, steps).
Review of editing actions on element geometries
Edit geometries | Play all Edit geometries showcases continuously |
Shows how to align elements | |
Shows how to close a path | |
Shows how to cut and merge paths | |
Editing geometry properties for each type of object (rectangle, circle, ellipse, image, line, polyline, path, polygon) | |
Edit the geometry of a path with a lot of points | |
Shows how to edit path properties. • Change data, transform absolute to relative mode, modify decimals count. • Optimize path description length. • Edit the full text path description. | |
Change the structure of a path Insert segments, change segments types and delete segments | |
Insert intersection points between curves (circle, ellipse, cubic, quadratic). Elements can be refactored to path as needed. | |
Insert intersection points between one element with straight lines and another geometrical element. Intersection points can be connected with constraints. Fixed size elements (line, rectangle, circle, ellipse) can be refactored to path to insert intersection points. | |
Shows how to move and resize elements with arrow keys | |
Logical operations on closed shapes (union, intersection, difference) | |
Change the type of an element to polyline, polygon or path depending on its geometry. | |
Shows how to reverse direction of lines, polylines and paths | |
Round the corners of a rectangle by applying a ratio in a circular or elliptical shape | |
Rotate, scale and flip elements |
Edit points
Use case category 'Edit points' with 6 showcases.
See showcases details (document, description, steps).
Review of editing actions on element geometries points
Edit points | Play all Edit points showcases continuously |
Edit points of large objects by clicking on highlighted points under the cursor. Useful for map and cad/cam plan edition. | |
Move, insert and remove points of polygons | |
Edit polylines. • Insert and remove points • Cut and merge polylines | |
Move a point to another nearby one to merge their xy coordinates and connecting the objects | |
Select and move points with the point highlighting mode | |
Smoothing a path that has only lineto commands |
Edit definitions
Use case category 'Edit definitions' with 9 showcases.
See showcases details (document, description, steps).
Editing SVG definitions (patterns, gradients, markers, symbols, filters)
Edit definitions | Play all Edit definitions showcases continuously |
Using the gradient editor | |
Use the gradient editor to create a linear gradient with 3 colors (blue, white, red). And apply it to fill a shape and text. The gradient editor is available with the expert profile | |
Using the marker editor | |
Using the pattern editor | |
Creating symbols with the symbol editor | |
Customize symbols, change and remove colors | |
Creating symbols by SVG import | |
Import definitions (patterns, gradients, symbols, markers, filters) from another SVG document | |
Refactor symbols Refactor use element as group to update symbol content and create new one. |
Apply constraints
Use case category 'Apply constraints' with 9 showcases.
See showcases details (document, description, steps).
Review of constraints (connection, box, clip path) definition and edition actions
Apply constraints | Play all Apply constraints showcases continuously |
Define a bounding box constraint between two objects a rectangle, ellipse or circle and another element | |
Chain constraints. Constraints are propagated between objects. | |
Define clipping constraints | |
Link points between objects with connect constraints. Constraints are executed in background after each user action on impacted objects. | |
Shows how to copy constraints. | |
Remove box constraints defined on an element by clicking on its bounding box | |
Remove clip path constraints defined on an element by clicking on its bounding box | |
Remove connection constraints on points of an element or between two elements by clicking on linked points | |
Remove constraints with properties dialog on elements and on saved file. Undo removing constraints. |
Add media elements
Use case category 'Add media elements' with 4 showcases.
See showcases details (document, description, steps).
Adding and editing media controls (audio, video)
Add media elements | Play all Add media elements showcases continuously |
Adding an audio control inside SVG document | |
Insert HTML text into an SVG document | |
Adding a video control inside SVG document | |
Adding YouTube video control inside SVG document |
Using layers
Use case category 'Using layers' with 4 showcases.
See showcases details (document, description, steps).
Review of layers definition and edition actions
Using layers | Play all Using layers showcases continuously |
How to manage layers with a cartographic application. A map with three layers, raster map, buildings and roads objects. Select input layer, add layer, create objects inside a layer. | |
Define the default style of layers for their objects | |
Shows how to change the layer of an object. | |
Shows how to edit the layer of an object |
Use case category 'Animations' with 19 showcases.
See showcases details (document, description, steps).
Create and edit SMIL animations
Animations | Play all Animations showcases continuously |
Animate DOM attributes and style properties of elements | |
Animate linear and radial gradients properties (x1, y1, x2, y2, cx, cy, fx, fy, r, offset, stop-color, stop-opacity), transform translate scale. | |
Animate a closed quadratic arc with three drawn states (c,c1,c2) | |
Animate a closed quadratic arc with three drawn states (c,c1,c2). Use keyTimes to increase the pressure and slow down expansion and return to original state. | |
Animating the line color helps to highlight the shape. Use the mirror effect by returning the line color to its initial value | |
The stroke-dasharray property controls the pattern of dashes and spaces used to form the shape of a path. Its animation can simulate a flow on a path. For this:
The values of the property are predefined thus by drawsvg with the calculated length of the path. | |
The stroke-dashoffset property specifies the distance into the repeated dash pattern (defined by stroke-dasharray) to start the stroke dashing at the beginning of the path. The animation of this property allows in particular to give the illusion of the movement of a train on its track. This showcase illustrates this kind of animation. | |
Animating the stroke-width property allows the shape to be highlighted. Use the mirror effect by increasing the thickness of the line and then returning it to its initial value | |
Animate an element with translate, rotate, scale, skew transformations | |
Animate attribute values with spline interpolation | |
Animate using keyTimes with multiple values to control the transition speed of each value | |
Animate a wave path with drawn states. Each path structure must be the same. Draw each wave curve state by copy and move each control point. Move each curve to the same starting point. Animate the wave path with each curve. The following modifications on the curves are replicated on the animation by a constraint. | |
Describes the schedule of animations with their sequences. | |
Shows how to define the origin of a motion animation. Define the motion origin point on the target. Select the moving method (transform or animate). | |
Shows how to define the motion path of a target using the three methods (refers, copy, describe). The motion path can be defined with a geometric element of any type (rectangle, circle, ellipse. path). Animations are updated by constraints when motion path changes. Animations properties can be edited. | |
When the motion target is transformed, the animation should be applied to an enclosing group of the target. | |
Animate motion using keyTimes/keySplines to set speed along the path with spline interpolation to accelerate and decelerate. A demonstration with ski jumping | |
Synchronize animations by events (begin, end, click, hyperlink, ..) | |
Using the set command to fix elements state during animations |
Showcases index by keyword
- align
- Align elements Select multi-line text Text editor
- arrow
- Move and resize with arrow keys Quick start drawing shapes Text box sizing
- attribute
- Animate using keySplines Animate attributes
- bounding
- Bounding box constraint Remove box constraints Remove clip path constraints Text box sizing
- circle
- Bounding box constraint Arcs Edit geometry properties Insert curve intersections Insert line intersections Motion path Quick start drawing arcs Quick start drawing surfaces
- clipping
- Clipping constraints Remove clip path constraints
- closed
- Animate path with keyTimes Animate path Close paths Path with curves Path with a hole Horizontal and vertical path Operations on shapes
- code
- Get SVG code Include SVG Load SVG code
- color
- Animate gradients Animate stroke-color Use the color chooser Create linear gradient Customize symbols
- connected
- Constraint connected points Insert line intersections Draw with point capture Merging points Remove connection constraints
- constraint
- Animate wave path Bounding box constraint Chaining constraints Clipping constraints Constraint connected points Copy constraints Insert line intersections Motion path Remove box constraints Remove clip path constraints Remove connection constraints Removing constraints
- controls
- Animate stroke-dasharray Animate using keyTimes Animate wave path Audio control Video YouTube video Select elements Text box sizing
- coordinates
- Merging points Modify dimensions
- copy
- Animate wave path Copy constraints Copy style from an object Copy elements Hyperlinks Motion path
- cubic
- Arcs Path with curves Insert curve intersections Quick start drawing arcs
- curve
- Animate wave path Path with curves Insert curve intersections Quick start drawing paths
- customize
- Customize symbols Use gradients Use markers Use patterns
- cut
- Cut and merge paths Editing polylines
- dasharray
- Animate stroke-dasharray Animate stroke-dashoffset
- dashes
- Animate stroke-dasharray Animate stroke-dashoffset
- definitions
- Create linear gradient Create gradients Create markers Create patterns Create symbols Customize symbols Import definitions Import SVG symbols Refactor symbols
- document
- Center document contents Audio control HTML Rich Text Video YouTube video PNG export Get SVG code Import definitions Include SVG Load SVG code Load a document Open a document Print a document Save document Select all elements Modify dimensions
- effect
- Animate stroke-color Animate stroke-width
- ellipse
- Bounding box constraint Edit geometry properties Insert curve intersections Insert line intersections Motion path Quick start drawing surfaces
- emoji
- Emoji Quick start drawing shapes
- encode
- Image Map Quick start drawing images
- end
- Synchronization by events Use markers
- file
- Image Removing constraints Save document
- fill
- Use the color chooser Create linear gradient
- filters
- Import definitions Smooth a path Use filters
- followed
- Animate stroke-dasharray Animate wave path
- font
- Change text font style Font Awesome icon Quick start drawing shapes
- format
- PNG export Text editor
- geometries
- Align elements Close paths Cut and merge paths Edit geometry properties Edit huge path Edit path properties Edit path segments Click and move a geometry point Insert curve intersections Insert line intersections Move and resize with arrow keys Refactor elements Reverse direction of lines Round the rectangle corners Operations on shapes Transform elements
- gradients
- Animate gradients Create linear gradient Create gradients Import definitions Use gradients
- grid
- Create patterns Using a grid
- group
- Group elements Motion target group Refactor symbols
- highlight
- Animate stroke-color Animate stroke-width Click and move a geometry point Select points Select with target highlighting
- hole
- Path with a hole Quick start drawing paths
- horizontal
- Horizontal and vertical lines Horizontal and vertical path Quick start drawing lines
- hyperlink
- Synchronization by events Hyperlinks
- icons
- Emoji Shapes Shortcuts Font Awesome icon Quick start drawing shapes
- image
- Image Map Edit geometry properties Load a document Open a document Quick start drawing images
- import
- Import definitions Import SVG symbols Include SVG
- initial
- Animate stroke-dasharray Animate stroke-color Animate stroke-width
- interpolation
- Animate using keySplines Motion using keyTimes
- intersections
- Insert curve intersections Insert line intersections Operations on shapes
- keys
- Move and resize with arrow keys Select multiple elements Select elements Text box sizing
- keysplines
- Animate using keySplines Motion using keyTimes
- keytimes
- Animate using keyTimes Animate path with keyTimes Motion using keyTimes
- layers
- Change object's layer Manage layers Select and edit object's layer Define layers style
- length
- Animate stroke-dasharray Simple text Edit path properties Text adjust length
- line
- Animate stroke-color Animate stroke-width Horizontal and vertical lines Line Multi-line text Horizontal and vertical path Simple text Edit geometry properties Insert line intersections Quick start drawing lines Quick start drawing texts Reverse direction of lines Select multi-line text Text box sizing Text editor Use gradients Use patterns
- linear
- Animate gradients Create linear gradient Create gradients
- link
- Constraint connected points Remove connection constraints Select multi-line text Text editor
- map
- Map Click and move a geometry point Manage layers Quick start drawing images Zoom and pan
- markers
- Create markers Import definitions Use markers
- media
- Audio control HTML Rich Text Video YouTube video
- merge
- Cut and merge paths Editing polylines Merging points
- mirror
- Animate stroke-color Animate stroke-width
- motion
- Motion target group Motion using keyTimes Motion origin Motion path
- offset
- Animate gradients Text on a path
- open
- Load a document Open a document
- path
- Animate stroke-dasharray Animate stroke-dashoffset Animate path with keyTimes Animate path Animate wave path Close paths Cut and merge paths Free path Path with curves Path with a hole Horizontal and vertical path Text on a path Edit geometry properties Edit huge path Edit path properties Edit path segments Insert curve intersections Insert line intersections Motion using keyTimes Motion path Quick start drawing paths Quick start drawing texts Refactor elements Remove clip path constraints Reverse direction of lines Smooth a path
- pattern
- Animate stroke-dasharray Animate stroke-dashoffset Create patterns Import definitions Use patterns
- png
- Image PNG export
- point
- Animate wave path Constraint connected points Edit huge path Click and move a geometry point Editing points of polygons Editing polylines Insert curve intersections Insert line intersections Motion origin Draw with point capture Merging points Remove connection constraints Select points Select elements Smooth a path
- polygon
- Edit geometry properties Editing points of polygons Quick start drawing surfaces Refactor elements
- polyline
- Polyline Edit geometry properties Editing polylines Quick start drawing lines Refactor elements Reverse direction of lines Use markers
- properties
- Animate gradients Animate stroke-dasharray Animate stroke-dashoffset Animate stroke-width Animate attributes Change text font style Simple text Edit geometry properties Edit path properties Motion path Removing constraints Apply a style to multiple objects
- quadratic
- Animate path with keyTimes Animate path Arcs Insert curve intersections Quick start drawing arcs
- radial
- Animate gradients Create gradients
- refactored
- Insert curve intersections Insert line intersections Refactor symbols Refactor elements
- remove
- Customize symbols Editing points of polygons Editing polylines Hyperlinks Remove box constraints Remove clip path constraints Remove connection constraints Removing constraints Remove elements Select multiple elements
- repeated
- Animate stroke-dashoffset Repetitive drawing
- rotate
- Animate transform Transform elements
- scale
- Animate gradients Animate transform Transform elements
- shape
- Animate stroke-dasharray Animate stroke-color Animate stroke-width Create linear gradient Shapes Quick start drawing shapes Round the rectangle corners Operations on shapes Use gradients Use patterns
- shift
- Move and resize with arrow keys Select elements
- single
- Simple text Apply a style to multiple objects
- smoothed
- Free path Quick start drawing paths Smooth a path
- sources
- Include SVG Open a document
- spaces
- Animate stroke-dasharray Animate stroke-dashoffset
- speed
- Animate using keyTimes Motion using keyTimes
- spline
- Animate using keySplines Motion using keyTimes
- start
- Animate stroke-dashoffset Animate wave path Quick start drawing arcs Quick start drawing images Quick start drawing lines Quick start drawing paths Quick start drawing shapes Quick start drawing surfaces Quick start drawing texts Use markers
- stroke
- Animate stroke-dasharray Animate stroke-dashoffset Animate stroke-color Animate stroke-width Use the color chooser
- structure
- Animate wave path Edit path segments
- style
- Animate stroke-dashoffset Animate attributes Change text font style Use the color chooser Copy style from an object Simple text Group elements Quick start drawing texts Select multi-line text Define layers style Apply a style to multiple objects Text editor Use CSS styles Use filters Use gradients Use markers Use patterns
- surfaces
- Quick start drawing paths Quick start drawing surfaces
- symbols
- Create symbols Customize symbols Symbols Import definitions Import SVG symbols Quick start drawing shapes Refactor symbols
- texts
- Change text font style Create linear gradient HTML Rich Text Multilingual text Multi-line text Simple text Text on a path Edit path properties Quick start drawing texts Select multi-line text Text box sizing Text editor Text adjust length Set text unselectable Use gradients Use patterns
- transform
- Animate gradients Animate transform Edit path properties Group elements Motion target group Motion origin Transform elements
- translate
- Animate gradients Animate transform
- triangle
- Triangle Quick start drawing surfaces
- undo
- Removing constraints Undo and redo
- url
- Image Load a document Open a document Quick start drawing images
- value
- Animate stroke-dasharray Animate using keySplines Animate using keyTimes Animate stroke-color Animate stroke-width Multilingual text
- vertical
- Horizontal and vertical lines Horizontal and vertical path Quick start drawing lines
- video
- Video YouTube video
- white
- Animate stroke-dashoffset Create linear gradient
- xml
- Get SVG code Load SVG code