drawsvg iconDRAWSVG user's manual

List of Tables

1.1. User profile tasks
2.1. Main menu map
2.2. Sub-menus features
2.3. Actions bar
3.1. Document menu
3.2. Export PNG
3.3. Grid definition
4.1. Selection menu
4.2. Editors
4.3. Properties tab element panel
4.4. Properties tab stroke style panel
4.5. Properties tab fill style panel
4.6. Properties tab marker style panel
4.7. Properties tab geometry panel
4.8. Properties CSS styles panel
5.1. Menu drawing elements
5.2. floating drawing task menu
5.3. Drawing tasks
7.1. Stroke style properties
7.2. Fill style properties
7.3. Text style properties
7.4. Marker style properties
7.5. Color chooser svg panel
7.6. Examples of filters
10.1. Options menu
13.1. DRAWSVG views and presenters